September- November 2024
Ayurveda Therapy- Paricharaka Course 2025.
Date: April 3- May 30,2025 Online || June 1-Sept 26,2025 Offline(In-person)
Place: Vaidyagrāma – Ayurveda Healing Community
On Sept 27, 2024, the first batch of Ayurveda Therepy- Paricharaka Students passed out. The same day we announced the Second Batch of Ayurveda Therapy – Paricharaka Course for 2025 from April 3- Sept 26, 2025.
The first two months theory classes would be conducted and the next four months intensive practical course would be conducted at Vaidyagrama. The course would be taught by qualified Ayurveda vaidyas.
Please click the link below for more details about the course

Prakrti Assessment
A 16 hour in-depth program on Business Constitution based on the five elements.
The details are as follows
Date : Nov 18-22, Nov 25-28, 2024
Timing : 5-7 Pm IST
Full recording will be provided after the course is over. More details and registration on the link below

Report on Tatwa Tantu Retreat- 2024 by Priyanka Kumar
Finding Connection Through Learning and Living: Tatwa Tantu
Date: April 3- May 30,2025 Online || June 1-Sept 26,2025 Offline(In-person)
Place: Vaidyagrāma – Ayurveda Healing Community
In a world that is increasingly becoming disparate and disconnected, with society leaning further toward dissociation from the present moment, Tatwa Tantu—The Sacred Thread of Reality is a welcome reprieve that embraces any seeker on their journey. A six-day retreat that takes place in the picturesque and immaculately designed Vaidyagrama Ayurveda Healing Village, Tatwa Tantu is an opportunity to completely immerse oneself in an environment that lends itself to rejuvenation, recuperation and learning.
Tatwa Tantu is curated by Smt. Vijayalakshmi Vijaykumar, a well-known and respected industrialist, speaker, dancer, and follower of the Sanatani tradition, and was born of a desire to demonstrate our innate connection to Creation itself. In the Indic philosophy everything is God, and Tatwa Tantu’s essence encompasses just that. Smt. Vijayalakshmi ji developed this further with Dr. Ramkumar, a founding member of Vaidyagrama, who comes from the rich lineage of the reputed Ayurvedic organisation, Arya Vaidyashala. The rest is history.
Setting the tone for its future iterations, Tatwa Tantu’s debut was themed around the Pancha Bhutas—Prithvi (Earth), Apas (Water), Agni (Fire), Vayu (Air), and Akasha (Ether)—the five elements that are the basis of all cosmic creation per the Vedic tradition. The retreat illuminates the interweaving of the sacred thread of Reality through knowledge of temples, Vedanga Vaastu, Sangeetam, Nrityam, Shilpa Shastra, Ayurveda, Vedanga Jyotishya, and Vedanta.
Each day consisted of an easy, but intentional, routine. The morning began early at 5 a.m. with a homam that was followed by a morning prayer led by the Vaidyagrama doctors to set the tone for the day. We were then led through a yoga session conducted by the renowned yoga acharya Dr. Vinaychandra Banavathy. The day’s opening sessions would conclude with a demonstration by Vaidyagrama doctors on taking care of the pancha indriyas—our sense organs—as advised by Ayurveda.
Following a short breakfast, the morning sessions would open with talks from distinguished experts like Sri Surendranath Bopparaju (author of “Templexity”) and Dr. Guha Vishwanath (a vijña on vastu and jyotish), among others, as well as upanyasams from venerated speakers such as Yoga-vidya-varidhi awardee Dr. Rangan Ramakrishnan, and Swami Sadatmananda Saraswati, a sishya of Swami Dayananda Saraswati. Delegates then broke for a group lunch followed by an afternoon break where one had the opportunity to partake in treatment from the well-practiced therapists of Vaidyagrama. After a short early-evening talk, delegates would return to their rooms for dinner, and then conclude the day with an evening prayer, once again led by Vaidyagrama doctors. The day’s end saw performances and sessions from some of the foremost names in the arts like vocalist Sri Rajeev R. who detailed the Pancha Bhuta sthalas that Muthuswamy Dikshitar sang about, and flautist Dr. Vijay Gopal.
The retreat offered only the best of the best, evidenced not only by the impressive lineup of speakers, which even included Padma Bhushan recipient, Bharatnatyam dancer Padma Subrahmanyam, but also by the careful consideration with which the entirety of the unique experience was organised.
What sets Tatwa Tantu apart from its counterparts is its commitment to learning and healing, complete in the understanding that true knowledge has to be embodied and lived. This said, one would be remiss to not acknowledge the important role that the environment of Tatwa Tantu plays in its impact. With its daily schedule, the retreat puts into practice the philosophy espoused in every talk, and Vaidyagrama plays a pivotal role in making this happen. Nestled in the green outskirts of the historically prominent Coimbatore region of Tamil Nadu, Vaidyagrama took its first steps in 2008. Following the aadarsh vaakya of “Authentic Ayurveda for Universal Wellbeing,” Vaidyagrama’s dedication to redefining healing through Ayurvedic principles is apparent from the first moment one enters their campus.
One can undoubtedly find myriad material reasons to attend Tatwa Tantu; they are manifold. However, what is paramount to Tatwa Tantu’s success is the pratibaddhata that informs every speaker’s, participant’s, doctor’s, and staff member’s actions. Being among the Vaidyagrama community is akin to being among family. Warm smiles abound, along with an attitude that teaches more care and concern for the well-being of the other than oneself. It’s an atmosphere informed by a desire to be of service and complemented with a gentle reminder to always practice gratitude.
For this writer that lives the hectic schedule of the stereotypical city-dweller who longs to reconnect with the slow, yet immensely productive-life of our ancestors, Tatwa Tantu was the perfect teacher. Living well is more than simply ticking items on a checklist with going to the gym, following a diet, and working at to one’s 9 to 5. It requires a certain intention and effort on the part of the individual, and there are few ways as appropriate and worthwhile to reconnect with our Indian Knowledge Systems about how to prioritise our holistic well-being and live a meaningful life as Tatwa Tantu.

Navaratri celebration
Date: October 3-12, 2024
Navaratri, meaning “nine nights” in Sanskrit, is a vibrant Hindu festival celebrating the triumph of good over evil. Navaratri honors Goddess Durga and her nine divine forms. Each day represents a different aspect of the goddess, symbolizing strength, compassion, wisdom, and devotion. At Vaidyagrama, a beautiful display of dolls with themes of Gods and Goddesses was arranged at Vaidyesvaram Hall. Pujas were performed both times with reciting of divine goddess’s songs.

Ayurveda Day and Diwali Celebration
Date: Tuesday , October 29, 2024
Place : Punarnava Ayurveda Trust and Vaidyagrama community
Ayurveda Day Observed on Dhanvantari Jayanti, the day honors the “Father of Ayurveda,” Lord Dhanvantari, and promotes the importance of traditional healing practices in modern life. The vaidyas of Vaidyagrama, worshipped Lord Dhanwantari by performing puja and group chanting. Dr Robert Svoboda ji and Shri Tim Mitchell ji were guests of honor and they also participated in the chanting.

Diwali Celebration- 500 villagers from the villages around Vaidyagrama were invited to attend the diwali function, where new clothes were distributed to all the 500 villagers and 250 staff. A grand lunch was organized at the community hall, which was enjoyed by one and all. The Panchayat President Ms Kavitha and the Executive officer of Thirumalayampalayam Panchayat, Ms Sudha Shanmugham inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp.
Natural farming at Vaidyagrama
Navara Rice is being cultivated near cluster 5 by our Agriculture Staff Mr Shiva Chaitanya and his team. The rice is getting ready for harvest. He maintains the Rasi Vanam, Nakshatra Vanam, Green fodder, Banana plantation and vegetable cultivation.
Our team also has another expert Shri Sanjeev Kumar, who is growing turmeric, and all gourd varieties, papaya, goose berry, okhra, Brinjal etc.

Gou Aadharith Products- Cow based products
Mr Sanjeev Kumar, is managing Lakshmigrama-Goshala, which has 44 cows and bulls. All of them are native varieties. The cow dung and cow urine is used in making Panchagavya, which is added to Soaps, shampoo, Face wash, floor cleaner, Vibhuti, bio fertiliser, dhoop warti . Anti termite medicine etc.