November 2023
A Report on Healing Sounds Retreat
Organised by Punarnava Ayurveda Trust and Vaidyagrama Community Trust which featured Shantala Sriramaiah ji, Nina Raoji, Dr Shubham Kulkarni ji, and Allison Dennis ji, Yoga with Dr Scott Blossom, and with our patrons Dr Robert Svoboda, Dr Claudia Welch and Dr Ramkumar.
The Healing Sounds Retreat started on 22 Nov 2023, with the registration of delegates at 3 pm, when they were handed the Retreat bag and dinacharya kit . This was followed by Orientation by our Master of ceremonies- Mr Aditya Mazumdar at 4.30 pm. A demonstration of the daily dinacharya was done by Dr Omprakash.
At 6.30 pm- Sarpabali was performed by Shri Krishnan Namboodiri and team followed by blessing of the book, “ In God’s Mirror- Theyyams of Malabar” by Padma Shri Pepita Seth ji.
A book signing function followed.
From 23rd Nov to 27th Nov 2023- the day’s program started with Dhanvanatri homam performed by Swami Gurupriyanandaji at the Dhanvantari temple followed by Prayer at Vaidyeswaram by Dr Ramadas. Yoga with Dr Scott Blossom followed the prayer. After breakfast, on the first day there was a session with Dr Robert Svoboda and Dr Claudia Welch followed by Vedic recitation with Shantala Sriramaiah ji and next session about Ragaa as a Jyotisical Upaya with Allison Dennis ji followed by group lunch. The delegates received abhyanga for 3 out of the 5 days. Evening session started with Participatory vocal raga with Dr Shubham Kulkarni followed by dinner. Prayer at 6.15 pm was followed by Kirtan with Ms Nina Rao ji accompanied by Mr Thomas on tabla. This marked the end of the first day.

The other days programs were same except the 9.15 am slot, where, on the second day, there was a session on “ Care for the Ears’ by Dr Om Prakash, Medical Director of Vaidyagrama. On the third day, the presenters had a conversation with the delegates, the fourth day, satsangam group followed by Vaidyagrama team had the opportunity to speak to the delegates about their organisation and activities. The last day was about the reflection of all the days’s programs with Dr Robert Svoboda, Dr Claudia Welch and Dr Ramkumar.
On the last day evening at 4.30 pm, Ms Carolina Prada performed a beautiful Chou dance on Shiva and Shakti in the Mayurnbanj style. This marked the end of the Healing Sound Retreat, which was enjoyed by one and all.
50 delegates from around 18 countries and over 10 guests and presenters participated in the retreat, which was hosted by Vaidyagrama.

Certified Ayurveda Therapist ( Paricharaka) – Training Program
Date: April 2- Sept 27,2024.
Place: Vaidyagrama, Organised by Punarnava Ayurveda Trust.
Punarnava Ayurveda Trust is pleased to announce the launch of this six-month Certification program, fulfilling a long-standing need to train Ayurveda Therapist in traditional techniques and operations for Ayurveda healing. This Ayurveda Therapist Program presents a new benchmark in the training and development of Ayurveda Therapist while supporting the restoration of scriptural Ayurveda from ancient texts. Graduates can expect gainful, satisfying and sattvic employment while practising a sustainable skill, while Ayurveda is regaining prominence worldwide as the medical system of choice for efficacy and sustainability.
For more details please visit the link below.
About Varna- Courtesy- Dr Claudia Welch on Vedic Threads
The term “varṇa” is frequently translated as “caste,” which does not fully capture its original meaning in Vedic scriptures. While today it is commonly associated with a hereditary system used for oppression, there is an alternative perspective that we endorse, which can find support in the scriptures.From this viewpoint, we all have the potential to embody any of the four varṇas at various stages of our lives, depending on our focus, intentions, and how we spend our time.
Additionally, we appreciate the idea that we are all born with inherent tamasic (base) tendencies, but through our actions, we can evolve towards a more sattvic (pure) state of being. In this perspective, we don’t inherit a higher status by birth, but it’s a birthright for all, achievable through self-purification.The four varṇas and their associated functions are as follows:
- śūdra or follower: Their function is śuśrūṣaṇa or seva, meaning service. This role is often associated with the predominance of tamas, but service can also be performed with a sattvic outlook, leading to spiritual growth.
- vaiśya or businessman: Their role involves poṣaṇa, which means nourishing and creating wealth for the community. This varṇa is characterized by the influence of rajas, sometimes with a secondary sattvic element when the wealth generated benefits the community, or secondarily tamasic if wealth is hoarded without benefit.
- kṣatriya or warrior: Their function is pālana, protection. This varṇa typically exhibits a dominant presence of rajas, sometimes combined with sattva or with sattva predominating.
- brāhmaṇa or preceptor: Their role is dhāraṇam, the support of the community, and is characterized by a predominance of sattva. Brāhmaṇas offer guidance to kṣatriyas and pray for the welfare of the community.
Activities of Trust in November 2023
- Free Ayurveda Medical Camp and Community lunch
At Kommandamparai village- 4 Nov 2023- 53 patients consulted and got free medicines from our senior Vaidyas Dr Ardent Windston and Dr Visakalakshmi along with other Ayurveda team members. There was a sumptuous meal awaiting the 125 villagers including patients who relished the food.

Dhanvantari Jayanti celebration at Vaidyagrama- 10 Nov 2023
- Lord Dhanvantari, the avatar of Lord Vishnu is the God of health, healing and Ayurveda ( the science of life) which was imparted for the well-being of humanity.
- Dhanteras marks the beginning of Diwali, the festival of lights, also known as Dhanatryodashi is dedicated to the lord of Ayurveda, Dhanvantari.
- At Vaidyagrama, the vaidyas did the chanting of Dhanvantari Ashtotharam at the Dhanvantari temple and celebrated the day.

- Balagrama Boys
The three boys at Balagrama, Vishnu, Raghu and Parthipan, start their day with chanting followed by Yoga. They go to the nearby Pichanur Government high school for studies. Evenings are for prayer and studies. We are looking out for more boys to support, which will happen by the end of the academic year when schools will allow transfers from one school to another.
- Natural Farming
Sanjeev Kumar Team, and Shiva Chaitanya team are engaged in growing organic vegetables using natural farming techniques. The bio fertiliser for our lands are made in house which has helped in increasing the yields and improving the soil nutrition quality over the years. Afforestation is happening in the newly acquired lands. A rasi vana was made in front of the Vaidyagrama reception by Shiva Chaitanya. One day in a month is dedicated by Nivrttigrama staff for clearing pastic from the lands and in tree plantation by each and every staff in the lands as a part of afforestation.

- Lakshmigrama Goshala
The latest male calf born is named Damaru by Sanjeev Kumar.
The cows graze in the lands around from morning 7 am to 3 pm. Diphalu, Mina, Pradeep and Shanmugham take care of them. The cow products like cowdung, cow urine, milk, curd and ghee are used to make panchagavyam, which is added in the soaps, shampoo, face wash, floor cleaner etc. Panchagavyam also acts as a preservative in the above products besides adding to the value of these natural products in other ways.

- Story of the dog Bhairav at Vaidyagrama
Making friends with those who don’t speak our language. _Bhairav’s journey into our hearts._ It was Sanjeev who first found this piece of life, with wounds all over his skin, almost passing away because no one could care for his life. Sanjeev takes care of Vaidyagrama’s farms. He named the dog Bhairav and tended to it just the way he tends to his plants that nurture all of us at Vaidyagrama. He nursed it’s wounds and gave Bhairav a chance to be completely healed of the pain it was living with. In fact, Sanjeev’s love for this sentient being had more impact on us, the onlookers, than Bhairav himself. His gestures of love and care, brought Bhairav back to life with full vigour, reminding us of why it is important to offer help to those who cannot ask. Bhairav now guards Sanjeevs house much like a member of the family, with authority and commitment – a bond of love that can never be broken. – written by Lakshmi Das

- Navara Rice Cultivation
We are grateful to Mother Earth for she lets her children experiment with growing grains and veggies not common to the area.
Shiva Chaithanya our Natural farming specialist at vaidyagrāma – Ayurveda healing community has been experimenting with growing Navara Rice.
Navara Rice has lots of medicinal properties and can be used for making Kanji as well as used as medicine for tropical application.