May 2023 | Second Fortnight
Healing Sounds Retreat
Date: Nov 23-27,2023 (A Satsangam LLC event, hosted by Vaidyagrama Ayurveda Healing Village and Organised by Punarnava Ayurveda Trust and Vaidyagrama Community Trust.)
Meet Our Presenter – Ms Allison Dennis.
Songs of the Stars: The Jyotiṣical Upāya of Rāgas
Allison Dennis: Vedic Mentor and Musician
A Vedic student since 2001, and a graduate of The Body Therapy Institute, Allison completed well over 1000 hours of formalized yoga training (Sivananda and Krishnamacharya) before opening Heart of Yoga School in Carrboro, NC in 2010 which is also the year she met her primary mentor K. Sridhar and began studying with him. She has a BFA in Musical Theater from East Carolina University.
From 2010-2018 Allison designed and led an 800-hour yoga teacher training program dedicated to the foundational texts of yoga, which offered textual study, introduction to the language of Sanskrit, harmonium instruction, chanting, and the development of a daily prescriptive sadhana.
As an event organizer, she focused on bringing people together to enjoy her favorite teachers and artists; K. Sridhar, Dr. Robert Svoboda, Sharon Gannon, Edwin Bryant, Prem Sadasivananda, and more. She led a weekly kirtan for five years, and also organized a week-long Classical Indian Music Festival. She has released three kirtan albums and four albums of original music.
In 2020 Allison took on the role of teaching assistant for her Jyotish teacher Steven Highburger. She monitors and audits his classes in addition to tutoring the students in his level 1-6 programs. She has completed his 3-year program as well as a 2-year Jyotish program with Komilla Sutton. Her ongoing astrology update Follow the Moon at Heart of Yoga School on Teachable is a great way to stay connected to her research and work with the songs of the stars.

Please register at
We are happy to announce our triple online learning course on
Course name | Date | Topics Covered |
Infectious Diseases | July 5- 9, 2023 | Covid 19, Dengue fever, Lyme disease, Herpes Simplex Virus, Viral Hepatitis |
Auto Immune Diseases | August 1 -5, 2023 | Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). |
Phycological Conditions | September 5-9, 2023 | Eating disorders, Clinical Depression, Anxiety disorder, Substance abuse and Schizophrenia./td> |
Single Course fees: USD 200, (All three courses together at a discounted price of USD 450)
For Registration: [email protected]
Payment Mode: our PayPal ac [email protected]
For further queries Contact: WhatsApp +91 9047817525 (Geetha)
Please note:
Students should have a basic understanding of Ayurveda concepts already, as this is not an introductory course. This course is intended for both Ayurveda practitioners/counselors and for those who want to use the information for self-healing.
Date: Aug 18-20,2023
Place: Saranya Ayurveda Hospital,
(4/24, Saranya Campus, Mavuthampathy, Navakkarai, Coimbatore 641105 (3 Km from Vaidyagarma)).
Organized by: Aashirwad Health and Education Trust and Partnered by Punarnava Ayurveda Trust and I-ask Ayush, In association with Indian Knowledge systems Division MoE,GOI.
Ayurveda Conversations” is an opportunity for open discussion on the critical need to renew the practice of Ayurveda from ancient treatises. About 1500 years back, even Vagbhata said “Yuganuruupa sandarbham” – meaning he is updating the science to suit the time and context. That’s long time ago! It’s time to think about an upgrade. The organized discussion has long been a path to building knowledge in the Indian system, and we must question both old and current practices to create new perspectives and pathways.
We all have questions, concerns and views. Our fully charged panel sessions will address all your burning questions about Ayurveda education, practice, manufacturing and so on. This three-day “Ayurveda Conversations” will engage in a deep dialogue with traditional, neo-traditional, and contemporary practitioners, teachers, researchers, writers and students of Ayurveda, covering six themes.
In short, the purpose of this event is to create an open and safe space to bring up all our concerns and questions on “Where are we heading with Ayurveda”. Start a healthy conversation between stakeholders. Explore clinical, research, and manufacturing aspects in relation to current technology and development.
Some of the points in the dialogue include….
- Are the fundamentals such as dosha still relevant today?
- Are we overemphasising Panchakarma today?
- Are the branches like Padarthavigyan relevant today?
- History of Ayurveda- should this be in the curriculum?
- What’s in a typical tablet or capsule?
- Are classical recipes still relevant with this level of substitutions and adulterations?
- Is the current dosage form still useful?
- Should the products be re-developed based on the current availability of ingredients?
- What makes the formula “Ayurvedic”?
- Global Ayurveda – how do we create medications that fit location and time?
- Is Yuktivipashrayachikitsa enough for a complete practice?
- Are Sattvavajaya and Daivavyapasraya relevant today?
- Importance of building ManasswAsthya in health?
- What’s in the packaged food?
- What makes a food or drink “Ayurvedic”?
- Can we apply Tridosha & Triguna to the packaged/processed meals?
- How do packaged foods justify “Every individual is unique and has different needs”?
- Can the patient and disease assessment be effective on a telephone call or video call?
- Can digital supervision replace human care?
- What are the challenges and legal issues in Telemedicine in India and around the world?
- How do Ayurveda people diagnose on Telemedicine?
- What’s evidence-based Ayurveda? Should we work towards it?
- What is Ayurveda research and its scope?
- What aspect of RCT as a research methodology work with Ayurveda?
- Does Ayurveda need research? What is an Ayurveda research look like?
Our Panellists
Vd M. Prasad, Vd Vinod Kumar TG, Dr PM Unnikrishnan, Dr Pooja Sabarwal,Dr Kishore Padwardhan, Dr Ramya Alakkal, Dr Abhijit Saraf, Dr PMS Raveendranath, Dr B. R. Patel, Dr L Mahadevan, Dr Ajayan Sadanandan, Vd Rama Prasad, Dr Jayachandran, Dr Ranjit Puranik, Dr Somit Kumar, Dr Madhuri Patil, Dr Radhapriya, Dr Sahadevan, Dr Rishi Manivannan, Dr Gopakumar, Dr Dinesh, Dr Anantharam Sharma, Dr Sukumar Sardeshmukh, Dr Sashikumar Nechiyil, Dr Narayanan Nambi, Dr AV Balasubrahmaniam,Dr Bhaswati Bhattacharya? Dr Srinivasa Udayar, Dr Siby Chiramel,Dr Ritesh Gujarati, Dr Devan Namboodiri, Dr Suhas Shetty.Dr Pratap Chauhan, Dr Rohit Sane, Vd Rama Prasad, Mr Ramkumar, Dr Girish Tillu, Dr TS Krishna Kumar, Dr M Prasad, Dr Ashutosh Nanal,Dr P Rammanohar, Dr Rohit Sane, Dr Shashi Rekha,
Activities at Vaidyagrama and Punarnava Ayurveda Trust

Deepest Condolence
We regret to inform the untimely passing of Dr Soumia Kumar at Malaysia where he lived with his family and practiced Ayurveda. He studied Ayurveda in the Gurukulam with the senior vaidyas of Vaidyagrama.
Dr Soumiya Kumarji was a friend of Vaidyagrāma family & was respected by the innumerable students all over the world, with whom he shared his Ayurveda wisdom . Some of the overseas students lead by Ms Sivani Xihua Chen and @Ms C C Wei CC Wei Chandikaji coordinated with the students of Dr Soumia kumar ji to provide Annadanam for 10 days to the elderly villagers, thus showing their respect and love to their dear departed teacher. What a wonderful thought! Vaidyagrama Community thanks the thoughtful students and coordinators for this.

Continuation of Dhanwantari Temple Consecration week celebration
Bhagavatam reading by Dr Usha from Palakkad and team, hich started on April 28 2023, and ended on May 4-2023.

Community Lunch
Date: April 28 – May 4, 2023
A community lunch was organised by the trust at Aranyakam Community Hall in connection with the weeklong Dhanwantari Temple consecration anniversary celebration. Every day around 40 elderly villagers came to pray at the temple, had a sumptuous meal, and were dropped back in the bus which picked them up every day from the respective

Ayurveda medical camp and Eye camp
2 May 2023
In collaboration with Aravind Eye Hospital. A combined Ayurveda medical camp and Eye camp in collaboration with Aravind Eye Hospital was organized by the trust.

Distribution of Towels and Bedsheets
Distribution of Towels and Bedsheets to beneficiaries of Project Annam spread over at Thirumalayamapalayam, Pichanur and Veerappanur panchayat.

If you want to support us for our community development activities, please send your donation to
For Indian Donations:Punarnava Ayurveda Trust,Current ac 815020110000802, Bank of India, RN Puram, IFSC-BKID0008150
For International donation:
Become a friend of Punarnava:
If you like to volunteer at Punarnava: